Saarte maitsed / Islands flavors

English below

Saaremaa, Muhu ja Ruhnu kuulutavad uhkusega, et just meie saared on valitud Eesti toidupiirkonnaks.  Seda tiitlit kanname 2025. aasta
aprilli lõpuni. See märkimisväärne tunnustus rõhutab saarelist
rikkalikku toidukultuuri ja pühendumust kohalikele
toidutraditsioonidele. Vast veelgi olulisem on see, et tänu toidu-
piirkonnale saab esile tõsta meie saarte inimesi ning nende panust
saarluse ja saarte elu hoidmisel.

Saare maakonna saared tõusevad toidupiirkonnana esile saarelise
eraldatuse tõttu. See on loonud iseomased toidutraditsioonid, mida
vürtsitab kaasaegne innovaatiline lähenemine. Eraldatus on saare-
rahvast õpetanud toime tulema käepärasega, kuid seejuures harjutanud
kõiges olema nutikas ja leidlik. See on oskus kasutada kõike, mida loodus
pakub, ja elada nii, et jagub ka homseks.

Maitsete aastal tasub veelgi enam varasemast pöörata pilgud
saartele reisimisele, meie oleme valmis sulle parimaid võimalusi pakkuma!

A whole year’s worth of flavours from Saaremaa, Muhu and Ruhnu

We are proud to announce that islands have been named the Year of Saaremaa, Muhu and Ruhnu Flavours – a title we will carry all the way through to the end of April 2025! Such notable recognition underscores the rich culinary culture of our islands and our dedication to local food traditions. But perhaps more importantly, being awarded the title means we will be able to showcase our people and the contribution they make to preserving the island way of life and what it means to be islanders.

Flavours trips from us

A tour of the flavours

The islands have a rich culinary culture and dedication to local food
traditions. The islands that make up Saare County are set apart by their
isolation. This has given rise to specific culinary traditions to which a
modern, innovative approach adds a touch of spice. Isolation has taught us islanders to get by with what we have, but to be smart and inventive in doing so. This means the skill to use everything nature offers us and to live in a way that will provide for us tomorrow.

What could your trip be like?

  • Arrival and and leaving on/from the island with the mode of transport that suits you
  • accommodation with breakfast according to your choice
  • tasting tour on the island – 5 hours at various farms/producers
  • Tasting Saaremaa and Muhu products in the representative store

The tour can be ordered all year round.

Price: The price depends on the order. We will put together a tour according to your wishes.

Trip to Saaremaa Food Festival 

Saaremaa Food Festival’s motto: Proper food makes merry mood! Our Food Festival, which began in 2014, holds fresh island ingredients and local products in high regard. But the lovely people here and our dear guests have become the main characters. The first weeks of September still have some summer sun and warmth and will certainly be the most abundant time of the year.

  • Arrival on and leaving from the island with the mode of transport that suits you
  • Accommodation with breakfast according to your choice
  • On one evening Saaremaa Restaurant Week dinner
  • Bus trip to villages on the day of villages (ca 6 hours)
  • visit to Apple Cafes

The tour can be done every year in September during the Saaremaa Food Festival.

Price: The price depends on the order. We will put together a tour according to your wishes.

Ask for different offers!